- 轨道 track; pathway; rail; runway ...
- 检查 check up; inspect; examine; ...
- 记录 take notes; record
- 信道检查记录器 ccr channel check recorder
- 轨道检查车 track inspection car; track inspection railcar
- 检查记录 audit trail records; inspection record; record of examination; record of inspection; record of search
- 检查记录簿 examination record book; inspection log
- 检查记录纸 check paper
- 轨道检查卫星 orbital inspector
- 轨道检查小车 track geometry measuring trolley
- 操作检查记录 oil; operation inspection log
- 飞机检查记录 aircarft inspection record
- 机器检查记录 machine check logout
- 箱封检查记录 movement of the container between origin and destination
- 记录车 recording truck
- 测后仪器检查记录 after tool check summary
- 地毯式检查记录 blanket record checks
- 勤务中检查记录 inservice inspection records
- 生产檎检查记录 pir
- 制造与检查记录 manufacturing and inspection record; manufacturingandinspectionrecord
- 机器检查记录和校正 machine check recording and recovery
- 消防保护设备检查记录 fire protection equipment inspection record
- 未照记录车线 stitching not on the mark
- 轨道检测 track detection