- 车间 farm; shop; workshop; depart ...
- 预算 budget; 1991
- 车间预制 shop-fabricated
- 时间预算 time budget
- 时间预算调查 time budget survey
- 车间 farm; shop; workshop; department 大件装配车间 shop for assembling big parts; 锻工车间 blacksmith shop; forge shop; 翻砂车间 foundry; 工具车间 tool shop; 冷锻车间 cold hammering shop; 装配车间 assembly shop; fitting shop; 车间工长 shop foreman; 车间起重机 workshop crane; 车间设备 workshop appliance; 车间生产条件 shop condition; 车间搬运小车 dolly; 车间主任 works superintendent; workshop director; 车间自动化 job-shop automation
- 预算 budget1991
- 房间预订 room―reserving
- 区间预测 interval prediction
- 三时间预测 three-time estimates
- 时间预调键 time preset key
- 时间预分配 time prearranged assignment
- 瞬间预知 moment of prescience
- 田间预察 cromonitoring
- 中间预测 intermediate range forecast
- 中间预热器 intermediate pre-heater
- 房间预订服务 dealing with booking
- 飞行时间预计 time-of-flight prediction
- 滑坡空间预测 landslide spatial prediction
- 滑坡时间预测 landslide temporal prediction
- 空间预置饱和 spatial presaturation
- 离港时间预报 expected time of departure
- 最后时间预定 last-minute booking
- 部门间预警工作组 interdepartmental working grouon early warning
- 估计时间预计时间 estimated time