过门不入 pass one's own house but never entering it -- be very busy with [devoted to] public duty; one did not even enter one's home when one happened to pass by on one's way.; so devoted to public service as to forget one's personal interests
门槛值 decision threshold; threshold level; threshold value
He stepped smartly over the threshold and closed the front door behind him 他敏捷地跨过门槛,关上了身后的大门。
She opened the door , stepped over the lintel , and on to the damp , cold earth of the passage outside 她打开门,跨过门槛,踩到过厅潮湿的冰凉的地上。扑面而来的冷空气使她精神一振。
It s like your impudence to say so : i expected it of you ; i heard it in your step as you crossed the threshold “说话这么无礼倒是你的脾性,我料定你会这样,你跨过门槛的时候,我从你的脚步声里就听出来了。 ”
I plucked up courage at once , crossed the threshold , and walked right up to the man where he stood , propped on his crutch , talking to a customer 我立刻鼓起了勇气,跨过门槛,径直奔他站着的地方走去,他架着拐杖,正在同一个顾客攀谈。
Her shadow had faded across the threshold . the helpful inmate had departed , without one backward glance to gather up the meed of gratitude , if any were in the hearts of those whom she had served so zealously 她的身影跨过门槛消逝了这个大有助益的亲人离去了,根本没有回过头来看一眼应得的感谢如果她刚刚如此热心地尽过力的那些人的心中肯于感激她的话。