- 跟上 keep pace with; catch up wit ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 发展 develop; expand; grow; burge ...
- 使跟上最新的发展 update
- 使跟上新发展 update
- 跟上 keep pace with; catch [keep] up with; keep [be] abreast of [with]: 跟上时代的步伐 keep pace with the times; 跟上科学上的最新发展 keep up with the latest development in science; 跟上形势 keep abreast of the current situation; 快跟上 ! close up
- 包装的发展 package development
- 长足的发展 remarkable process
- 持续的发展 sustained development
- 道德的发展 development of morality
- 法的发展 development of law
- 方剂的发展 the development of prescriptions; the formation of prescription
- 概念的发展 equilibrium: development of the concept
- 感觉的发展 sense organ development; senseorgan developmentt
- 航空的发展 aeronautical development
- 合理的发展 rationally developed
- 疾病的发展 advancing of disease; the evolution of a disease
- 技能的发展 skill development; technical development
- 郊区的发展 suburbanization
- 经济的发展 expanding economy
- 科学的发展 the reach of science
- 目标的发展 evolution of objective
- 人性的发展 homization
- 生产的发展 growth of production
- 事态的发展 the course of events