- 距 distance
- 骨 bone
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 胫骨距骨的 tibiotalar
- 距骨 ankle bone; ankle-bone; astragalus bone; hucklebone; os talus; ossa tarsi tibiale; talus bone
- 骨的 bone; bony; o eous; osseous; ossis; osteal; sclerous
- 距骨沟 fovea of talus; interarticular sulcus of talus; sulci tali; sulcus tali
- 距骨颈 collum tali; neck of ankle bone; neck of talus
- 距骨体 body of talus; corpora tali; corpus tali
- 距骨头 caput tali; head of astragalus; head of talus
- 踝骨,距骨 ankle bone
- 无骨的;去骨的 boneless
- 距骨后突 距骨后突 posteriorprocessoftalus; processusposteriortali
- 扁平距骨 flat top talus
- 跟距骨桥 talocalcaneal bridge
- 滑距骨目 litopterna
- 距骨半脱位 subluxation of talus
- 距骨骨折 fracture of talus; talus fracture
- 距骨后结节 posterior tubercle of talus
- 距骨后突 posterior process of talus; processus posterior tali
- 距骨滑车 trochlea of astragalus; trochlea of talus; trochlea tali
- 距骨颈骨折 fracture of the neck of the talus
- 距骨切除术 astragalectomy
- 距骨倾斜 talar tilt
- 距骨体骨折 fracture of body of talus