跑江湖 wander about, making a living as an acrobat, fortuneteller, physiognomist, etc.; live the life of an adventurer, a boxer, a salesman, etc.; wander around without settling down anywhere
Street motorists running games - 4455 miniclip games 驾车跑街小游戏- 4399小游戏
He decided upon the law , and he entered father s office as an office boy - think of that 他决定学法律,进了我爸爸的公司作跑街想想看!
" but i have not finished my story , " she said . " he worked , so father says , as no other office boy he ever had . mr . butler was always eager to work “不过,我的故事还没有完, ”她说, “父亲说他比他办公室组的任何跑街的工作得都好。
He could not believe that a sane editor could be guilty of such maltreatment , and his favorite hypothesis was that his poems must have been doctored by the office boy or the stenographer 他很难相信一个头脑清醒的编辑竟会这样横行霸道。若是说那诗是叫一个跑街小厮或是速记员动了手术,他倒比较相信。
Mrs . philips was always glad to see her nieces , and the two eldest , from their recent absence , were particularly welcome , and she was eagerly expressing her surprise at their sudden return home , which , as their own carriage had not fetched them , she should have known nothing about , if she had not happened to see mr . jones s shop boy in the street , who had told her that they were not to send any more draughts to netherfield because the miss bennets were come away , when her civility was claimed towards mr . collins by jane s introduction of him . she received him with her very best politeness , which he returned with as much more , apologising for his intrusion without any previous acquaintance with her , which he could not help flattering himself , however , might be justified by his relationship to the young ladies who introduced him to her notice 她们姐妹俩突然回家来,真叫她非常惊奇,要不是碰巧在街上遇到钟斯医生的药铺子里那个跑街的小伙子告诉她,说是班纳特家的两位小姐都已回家了呢,这是因为她们家里没有打发马车去接她们的缘故,正当她们这样闲谈的时候,吉英向她介绍柯林斯先生,她不得不跟他寒喧几句,她极其客气地表示欢迎他,他也加倍客气地应酬她而且向她道歉,说是素昧生平,不该这么冒冒失失闯到她府上来,又说他毕竟还是非常高兴,因为介绍他的那几位年轻小姐和他还有些亲戚关系,因此他的冒昧前来也还勉强说得过去。