

音标:[ pǎojiē ]   发音:
  • drummer
  • solicitor



  • 例句与用法
  • Street motorists running games - 4455 miniclip games
    驾车跑街小游戏- 4399小游戏
  • He decided upon the law , and he entered father s office as an office boy - think of that
  • " but i have not finished my story , " she said . " he worked , so father says , as no other office boy he ever had . mr . butler was always eager to work
    “不过,我的故事还没有完, ”她说, “父亲说他比他办公室组的任何跑街的工作得都好。
  • He could not believe that a sane editor could be guilty of such maltreatment , and his favorite hypothesis was that his poems must have been doctored by the office boy or the stenographer
  • Mrs . philips was always glad to see her nieces , and the two eldest , from their recent absence , were particularly welcome , and she was eagerly expressing her surprise at their sudden return home , which , as their own carriage had not fetched them , she should have known nothing about , if she had not happened to see mr . jones s shop boy in the street , who had told her that they were not to send any more draughts to netherfield because the miss bennets were come away , when her civility was claimed towards mr . collins by jane s introduction of him . she received him with her very best politeness , which he returned with as much more , apologising for his intrusion without any previous acquaintance with her , which he could not help flattering himself , however , might be justified by his relationship to the young ladies who introduced him to her notice
  • 其他语种释义
  • 跑街的日语:〈方〉外回りをする. 跑街的/(商店などの)外交員,外回り.
  • 跑街的韩语:【방언】 (1)[동사] 가정 방문하여 판매하다. 외근(外勤)하다. =[跑外] (2)[명사] 외근하는 사람. =[跑外的] [跑街先生]
  • 跑街的俄语:pinyin:pǎojiē вост. диал. 1) коммивояжёр, торговый агент 2) см. 跑外
  • 跑街什么意思:pǎojiē 〈方〉 ①跑外。 ②担任跑外工作的人。
  • 推荐英语阅读
跑街的英文翻译,跑街英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译跑街,跑街的英文意思,跑街的英文跑街 meaning in English跑街的英文跑街怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
