Germany . design and manufacture of surface treatment technologies , suction and extraction systems , lifting equipment and special purpose solutions . multi - lingual site -生产万能粗粉粉碎机吸尘微粉碎机吸尘机械粉碎机高效粉碎机超微粉碎机系列产品。
Ultra - mill products widely used in chemical , pesticides , dyes , pigments , paints , chemicals , plastics , rubber , food , medicine , biology , tobacco , fodder , ceramics , building materials , non - metallic mining , non - ferrous metals and defense industries , and other cutting - edge technologies in different fields 超微粉碎机产品广泛适用于化工,农药,染料,颜料,涂料,助剂,塑料,橡胶,食品,医药,生物,烟草,饲料,陶瓷,建材,非金属矿,有色金属及国防尖端科技等各个行业不同领域。