- 起来 stand up; sit up; rise to on ...
- 没事 have nothing to do; be free; ...
- 没事 1.(没有工作; 空闲) have nothing to do; be free; be at leisure; be at a loose end 星期天没事, 咱们上街吧? let's go up to town if you are free on sunday.2.(没关系) it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind 对不起, 给你添了很多麻烦。 -- 没事。 i'm sorry for giving you so much trouble. -- that's all right.; it doesn't matter
- 那么早起来没有任何意义 it doesn't make any sense to get uso early
- 它看起来没有多大意义 it doesn’t seem to have mach meaning
- 没事儿 that’s okay
- 没事了 it is over
- 我没事 i am ok; i have nothing (from the body guard); im all right jack; there is nothing wrong with me
- 起来 起来1.(站起; 坐起) stand up; sit up; rise to one's feet 起来吃药吧。 sit up and have your medicine.2.(起床) get up; get out of bed 快起来, 你这个懒蛋。 get up! you lazybones. 我今早起来时头疼得厉害。 i got up with such a terrible headache this morning.3.(奋起) rise; arise; revolt 起来反抗压迫 rise against oppression; 人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。 the people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime. 奴隶们起来反抗他们的主人。 the slaves rose against their masters.
- 安妮,你没事吧 so, annie are you ok
- 别没事找事 don’t go looking for trouble
- 不要说没事 so don't say no don't say nothing's wrong
- 没事看看 chglzhx
- 没事偷着乐 a tree in the house; meishi touzhe le; steal happiness
- 没事玩玩 bupm
- 没事找事 1.(自找麻烦) ask for trouble; ask for it2.(找碴) find fault with; try hard to find fault; cavil
- 你会没事的 you're safe
- 你没事吧 everything's all right; what’s with somebody
- 你没事吧,安妮 are you ok, annie
- 你没事吗 are you all right
- 现在没事了 it's all right now
- 真的没事 doesn‘t really matter
- 因此我无暇再搞别的事啦 i have got my hands full already with all kinds of work and haven
- 没事儿偷着乐 steal happiness
- 从来没想过 never thought