走 动词1.(人或鸟兽的脚交互向前移动) walk; go 行走 walk; 走自己的路 go one's own way; take one's own road; 走遍天下 travel all over the world; 一直往前走 go straight ahead; 走前人没有走过的道路 break new paths; take paths never trodden before; 走弯路 take a roundabout route; make a detour; 走一步看一步 take one step and look around before taking another -- proceed without a plan, or with caution; 从胜利走向胜利 march from victory to victory; 你是走回来的吗? did you walk back? 请这边走。 step this way, please.2.(跑) run 奔走 run; rush about; run errands; be busy running about; 打得赢就打, 打不赢就走。 fight when you can win, move away when you can't.3.(移动; 挪动) move 走一步棋 move a piece; move along; 钟不走了。 the clock has stopped.4.(离开; 去) leave; depart; go away 他走了。 he has left. 别走哇。 don't go away! 把他带走。 get him away.; clear him off.5.(来往) visit; call on 走亲戚 call on relatives; 走娘家 (of a married woman) visit her parents' home; 常去朋友那儿走走 visit one's friends at times; 他们两家走得很近。 the two families often visit each other.6.(通过; 由) pass through; get past 走过地道 pass through a tunnel; 走大路进城 go to town along the main road7.(漏出; 泄漏) leak; let out; reveal 走风 let out a secret; leak out; 煤气管道走气了。the gas is leaking from the pipe.8.(改变或失去原样) depart from the original; change or lose the original shape, flavour, colour, etc.: 唱走板了 sing out of tune; 讲走题了 speak beside the point; explain away from the point; 茶叶走味了。 the tea has lost its flavour. 把鞋穿走形了。 the shoes were worn out of shape
去 去动词1.(用在动词后, 表示动作离开说话人所在地) 进去 go in; 拿去 take it away; 上去 go up; 把这个给他捎去。 take this and give it to him. 蜜蜂向花丛中飞去。 the bees are flying into the flowers.2.(用在动词后, 表示动作的继续等) 信步走去 stroll along; 让他说去。 let him talk.; let him say what he likes.
…来 …去 (表示动作的不断反复) back and forth; over and over again 翻来复去睡不着 toss and turn in bed; 飞来飞去 fly back and forth; 考虑来考虑去 turn sth. over and over again in one's mind; 挑来挑去 pick and choose