入迷 be fascinated; be obsessed by; be enchanted; extasis; ecstasis 看书看入迷了 be engrossed in a book; 他们的精彩表演使观众看得入了迷。 the audience was fascinated by their superb performance. 这孩子做飞机模型都入了迷了。 the boy has become fascinated with making model aeroplanes
迷途知返 become aware of one's errors and turn back from one's wrong path; able to correct one's own mistake; be aware that one has strayed from (the) right path; be determined to correct mistakes one has made; realize one's errors and mend one's ways; recover [get back] one's bearings and return to the fold; retract from the wrong path; return from the lost way; return to the correct path; stop on the brink of a precipice and turn back from the wrong path 犯罪分子应当迷途知返, 悬崖勒马, 不要在错误的道路上继续走下去。 the criminals should stop on the precipice, retract from the wrong path and not go any further
Will they not go astray who devise evil ? but kindness and truth will be to those who devise good 箴14 : 22谋恶的岂非走入迷途麽谋善的必得慈爱和诚实。
Reading bastiat made me keenly aware of all the time wasted , along with the frustrations of going down one blind alley after another , organizing my philosophy of life 读巴斯夏的《法律》使我强烈地思考所有浪费掉的时间,思考一次次挫折之后是如何走入迷途的,思考我的人生哲学构成。