最有名的鞍马 most famous of saddle horses; mostfamousofsaddlehorses
He was a celebrity from asiaso he said, and that was enough . 他是个亚洲来的赫赫有名的人物这是他自己说的,就这么一说也就行了。
And he said it would make us all celebrated that had a hand in it 他还说,这能叫我们这些有关的人一律都成为赫赫有名的人物。
Both kuragin and dolohov were at that time notorious figures in the fast and dissipated world in petersburg 当时在彼得堡的浪子和酒徒的领域中,多洛霍夫和库拉全都是赫赫有名的人物。
" many makes it out of iron - rust and tears ; but that s the common sort and women ; the best authorities uses their own blood “很多人是用铁锈和眼泪做的。不过那是庸庸碌碌之辈和娘儿们的办法,那些赫赫有名的人物用的是他们自己身上的鲜血。
Some of the most notable names of us history such as albert einstein and neil armstrong , the first man to walk on the moon , did not make the top 10 而一些在美国历史中赫赫有名的人物,如阿尔伯特爱因斯坦和登上月球的第一人尼尔阿姆斯特朗,均未能进入前十名。
Some of the most notable names of us history such as albert einstein and neil armstrong , the first man to walk on the moon , did not make the top 10 而一些在美国历史中赫赫有名的人物,如阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦和登上月球的第一人尼尔?阿姆斯特朗,均未能进入前十名。
What i want is my nigger ; or what i want is my watermelon ; or what i want is my sunday - school book ; and if a pick s the handiest thing , that s the thing i m a - going to dig that nigger or that watermelon or that sunday - school book out with ; and i don t give a dead rat what the authorities thinks about it nuther . 我要的是我的黑奴,或者要的是我的西瓜,或者我的主日学校的书。如果镐头是最容易弄到手的东西,我便用它来挖那个黑奴,或者那只西瓜,或者那本主日学校的书。至于那些赫赫有名的人物怎么个看法,我才不管呢。 ”