赅 Ⅰ动词[书面语] (兼; 包括) include 举一赅百 furnish one instance including so many other casesⅡ形容词[书面语] (完备; 全) comprehensive; complete; full; all-inclusive 言简意赅 terse but comprehensive; 简赅 simple and conciseⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 赅磊 gai lei
About the china international famine relief commission 华洋义赈会工赈救灾活动析论
Master helps the victims of the great forest fire 师父赈助美国佛罗里达州森林大火
Contribution of clothes to hurricane victims of cyclone vance 赈衣物给纹斯旋风的灾民
On the joint work of hua yang relief fund union in the country 华洋义赈会的农村合作试验
Investigation on relief sources of famine policy in ancient hunan 古代湖南荒政之赈源研究
Tang xi - jin and disaster - relief in late qing dynasty 唐锡晋与晚清义赈
Study on disaster relief policy of late qing dynasty in hunan province 清季湖南救灾赈务研究
On the project instead of relief of cifrc 试论华洋义赈会的工赈赈灾
Master helps the victims of the great forest fire in florida , u . s . a 师父赈助美国佛罗里达州森林大火