play the trick of a thief crying “stop thief!”; accuse sb. of the theft and try to sneak away oneself; a robber acts like a cop.; cover oneself up by shouting with the crowd; one thief calls another thief.; the devil rebuking sin; the robber cries “stop thief”.; the thief cries “stop the thief”
捉贼 stothief捉贼记 to catch a thief关门捉贼 catch the thief by closing his escape route憨大捉贼 the fool catches thieves龙凤贼捉贼 licence to steal神童捉贼记 the prodigy who caught the thief小偷捉贼记 thief captures thief以贼捉贼 set a thief to catch a thief; short accounts make long friends捉贼记 (电影) to catch a thief (film)捉贼捉赃 to catch a thief you must find the stolen goods通辑令, 叫喊声, 喊捉声, 喧哗 a hue and cry点指贼贼贼捉贼 good against evil贼和他的主人 the thief and his master贼鬼溜滑 dishonestdeceitfultrickysly贼窟 a nest of thieves; house of thieves贼公子 super car criminals贼酷 klfeng贼公贼婆做世界 fun with dick and jane贼来晚餐 thief who came to dinner the贼公差婆 the thief and police woman贼老天 lovetm贼夫人之子 you are spoiling this man's son. he
They always take habitual tactics of standing facts on their heads and of a thief crying 他们经常使用颠倒是非、贼喊捉贼 的伎俩。
贼喊捉贼的法语 :jouer au voleur volé;le voleur crie au voleur.贼喊捉贼的日语 :〈成〉どろぼうが他人をどろぼう呼ばわりする.自分への追及を逃れるために,わざと人の耳目をそらそうとするたとえ.贼喊捉贼的韩语 :【성어】 도둑이 도둑을 잡으라고 고함치다; 제 죄상(罪狀)을 감추려고 남의 이목을 다른 데로 돌리다. 一种拙劣的贼喊捉贼的伎俩; 남의 눈을 딴 데로 돌리려는 일종의 졸렬한 수법贼喊捉贼的俄语 :[zéi hǎn zhuō zéi] обр. вор кричит "держи вора!"贼喊捉贼什么意思 :zéi hǎn zhuō zéi 【解释】做贼的人喊捉贼。比喻坏人为了自己逃脱,故意制造混乱,转移目标,把别人说成是坏人。 【示例】这个狡滑的小偷,偷了人家的钱后,还~,嫁祸于人。 【拼音码】zhzz 【灯谜面】强盗抓小偷小耗子骂大街 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、分句;含贬义 【英文】a thief crying Stop thief