- 贸然 rashly; hastily; without car ...
- 从事 go in for; devote oneself to ...
- 股票交易 buying and selling of stocks
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 股票交易的场外价格 made-up price
- 股票交易 b?rsenverkehr m./aktienhandel m/aktiengesch?ft n,; share dealing; stock deal; stock exchange; the stack exchange
- 股票交易额 turnover
- 股票交易商 stock trader stock trading
- 股票交易税 stock tra fer tax; stock transaction tax
- 股票交易所 stock exchange◇股票交易所证券 stock exchange securities; 股票交易所周转量 turnover on stock exchange
- 股票交易员 stock dealer
- 喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人 blue button
- 泛股票交易所 euronext
- 股票交易规定 stock exchange regulation
- 股票交易市场 amax; stock exchange
- 股票交易所(法文) bourse
- 股票交易指数 stock exchange indices
- 股票交易中心 klse
- 环境股票交易 environmental stock exchange
- 库藏股票交易 additional paid-in capital - treasury stock trans-actions; treasury stock transactions
- 铁路股票交易 railway market
- 证券股票交易 stock trading
- 自相股票交易 incestuous share dealing
- 做交易的人 transactor