限制 place [impose] restrictions on [to]; astrict; restrict; limit; confine; shut down on [upon]: 限制数量 limit to a number or amount; 年龄限制 age limit; 时间限制 time limit; 对 ... 实行限制 impose restrictions on; 大会可限制每一发言者的发言时间。 the general assembly may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker. 但愿银行能无限制地贷款! if only the banks would lend money without limit!◇限制费用 restriction of expenditure; 限制分配 restricted distribution; 限制价格 check price; 限制认付 qualified acceptance
交易限额不足,需要额外金额 insufficient trading balance/limit: need additional credit of
They had ably worked out the various schemes to ease trade restrictions . 他们能干地制定了放宽贸易限制的各种计划。
Did that statute forbid all restraints of trade, or did it prohibit only unreasonable, that is, direct and calculated, restraints ? 该法究竟是禁止所有的贸易限制呢,还是只禁止不合理的、即直接而有意的限制呢?
Only when we know why trade proves profitable and whose income is tied to trade can we know who would be affected by policies restricting it . 只有当我们了解,贸易为什么是有利可图的以及哪些人的收入与贸易密切有关以后,才会知道哪些人会受到贸易限制政策的影响。
Trading limit clause 贸易限制条款
Q . what are the objectives for this amendment to the scope of the restricted category 问:本次调整加工贸易限制类目录的目的是什么?
The ban on beef led to threats in congress of trade restrictions against japan 日本这项关于禁止牛肉进口的禁令,导致了美国国会针对日本贸易限制的威胁。
But economic losses can be huge as birds are destroyed and trade is restricted to contain outbreaks 但经济损失可高达禽鸟被销毁和贸易限制,以遏制疫情。
It is the first ruling under a special clause allowing trade restraints to “ protect public morals or to maintain public order ” 它是根据一项特殊条款所做的第一个裁决,该条款是,允许采取贸易限制措施以“保护公共道德或维护公共秩序” 。
It might also be noted that the mainland is now facing deflationary pressure as well , following productivity gains and reductions of trade restrictions 此外,有一点值得一提的,就是在生产力增加及贸易限制减少后,内地亦正面对通缩压力。
Q . what are the changes in the administrative measures in comparison with previous announcement for the goods falling under the restricted category for export processing 问:本次新公布的加工贸易限制类商品在管理方式上与过去相比发生了哪些变化?