- 贸易谈判 trade negotiation
- 代表 deputy; delegate; representa ...
- 署 a government office; office
- 美国贸易谈判代表 the us trade representative
- 谈判代表 negotiators
- 贸易谈判 br /trade negotiation; trade negotiations; trade talks
- 贸易谈判组 tng; trade negotiations group
- 首席谈判代表 chief negotiator; cn negotiation
- 谈判代表拉里 ali larijani
- 多边贸易谈判 multilateral trade negotiatio (mt ); multilateral trade negotiations (mtns); multilateral trade talks; multilaterale handelsverhandlung
- 服务贸易谈判 service trade negotiations
- 贸易谈判技巧 trade negotiation skill
- 贸易谈判小组 trade negotiations group
- 世界贸易谈判 world trade talks
- 双边贸易谈判 bilateral trade negotiation
- 劳资谈判代表工会 bargaining unit
- 美国贸易代表署 united states trade representative
- 多哈回合贸易谈判 doha development round
- 贸易谈判发展回合 development round of trade negotiations
- 新一轮贸易谈判 a new round of trade negotiations
- 首席谈判代表洛休科夫 alexander losyukov
- 伊朗首席核谈判代表 ali larijani
- 贸易谈判顾问委员会 advisory committee for trade negotiations
- 贸易谈判商业外交处 trade negotiations and commercial diplomacy branch
- 贸易谈判咨询委员会 advisory committee on trade negotiation