- 贸易 trade
- 草约 draft treaty; draft agreemen ...
- 草约 (未正式签字的契约或条约) draft treaty; draft agreement; protocol; ad referendum contract
- 草约;备忘录 protocol
- 穿鼻草约 convention of chuenpeh
- 简易草地机场 grass airstrip
- 国际公约的草约 protocol
- 议定书,会谈备记录,草约 protocol
- 最后协定书, 决定性草约 final protocol
- ygm贸易 ygm trading
- 非贸易 nontrade◇非贸易开支 noncommercial expenses; 非贸易外汇收入 nontrade foreign exchange earnings; foreign currency from nontrade channels; foreign exchange earnings from nontrade channels; 非贸易业务 noncommercial transaction; 非贸易账户 noncommercial account; 非贸易支付 noncommercial payment
- 交易、贸易 active trading
- 买卖;贸易 commercial transaction
- 贸易,商业 trade or business
- 贸易,职业 trade
- 贸易;行业 trade
- 贸易保 united a ociation for the protection of trade; united association for the protection of trade
- 贸易报 kauppalehti
- 贸易表 trading schedule
- 贸易部 department of trade; trade department
- 贸易船 merchant fleet
- 贸易带 trade zone
- 贸易的 commercial; trading
- 贸易点 trade point