

  • trade channels



  • 例句与用法
  • After the reckoning , he lost many of his contacts and all of his trade routes
  • Since its establishment , it actively deepens the reform of the foreign trade system , and strengthens the management , and tries to widen the channel of the trade business
  • Factors of production were , physically , traditionally , or by policy design , immobile and not tradable on any significant scale between economies , although the goods produced from their utilisation were
  • Noting the concern about the potential impact of a slowdown of mainland economy on the asian economies through the trade channel , the sub - committee considered an information paper on developments in intra - regional trade and the role of mainland china
  • We always pursuit the spirit of " trustworthiness , high efficiency , and mutual benefit " . with the tenet of quality products , excellent service , competitive prices and prompt delivery , we are striving to provide better products and better services for our clients
    上海索正商贸有限公司拥有一支高效的团队,其中有复旦mba ,中国注册会计师。拥有稳定的国内客户和来自于欧美澳洲的海外客户,具备畅通的贸易渠道,并以快速反应和优质服务受客户和供应商好评。
  • It had commerce channel and organizations of itself , and embodied the infection on the silk export quantity , value and price , which from the seasonal change of the silk undertaking and the supply and demand law in international market . in the backside of silk commerce some fuse elements such as the price of silver and exchange between different money
  • The income distribution effect of fdi through outward trade channel should n ' t be ignored too . it has different behaviors for the whole country and various areas . within the whole country , through attraction to the labor flow , the effects of fdi on skilled and non - skilled labors is different , and thus having different income distributional effects on labors in various levels
  • 推荐英语阅读
贸易渠道的英文翻译,贸易渠道英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贸易渠道,贸易渠道的英文意思,貿易渠道的英文贸易渠道 meaning in English貿易渠道的英文贸易渠道怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
