渠道 1.(引水灌溉的水道) irrigation ditch; canal; channel 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。 canals have been built to take water to the desert.2.(途径) medium of communication; channel 通过各种渠道 through various channels; 通过外交渠道 through diplomatic channels; 通过文化交流的渠道 through the medium of cultural exchange
After the reckoning , he lost many of his contacts and all of his trade routes 大灾变之后他失去了很多熟人门路和所有的贸易渠道。
Since its establishment , it actively deepens the reform of the foreign trade system , and strengthens the management , and tries to widen the channel of the trade business 本公司自建立以来,积极深化外贸体制改革,加强经营管理,努力拓宽贸易渠道。
Factors of production were , physically , traditionally , or by policy design , immobile and not tradable on any significant scale between economies , although the goods produced from their utilisation were 相信这部分与当时生产要素运送不便或传统习惯政策等限制流通有关,即使制成品可透过贸易渠道大量外销,生产要素本身仍做不到这一点。
Noting the concern about the potential impact of a slowdown of mainland economy on the asian economies through the trade channel , the sub - committee considered an information paper on developments in intra - regional trade and the role of mainland china 委员会注意到中国内地经济放缓可能会透过贸易渠道对亚洲经济体系造成影响,并在会上审阅一份探讨区内贸易发展与中国内地角色的资料文件。
We always pursuit the spirit of " trustworthiness , high efficiency , and mutual benefit " . with the tenet of quality products , excellent service , competitive prices and prompt delivery , we are striving to provide better products and better services for our clients 上海索正商贸有限公司拥有一支高效的团队,其中有复旦mba ,中国注册会计师。拥有稳定的国内客户和来自于欧美澳洲的海外客户,具备畅通的贸易渠道,并以快速反应和优质服务受客户和供应商好评。
It had commerce channel and organizations of itself , and embodied the infection on the silk export quantity , value and price , which from the seasonal change of the silk undertaking and the supply and demand law in international market . in the backside of silk commerce some fuse elements such as the price of silver and exchange between different money 考查其内在要素,粤丝出口拥有自己的贸易渠道和组织;量值和价格变化体现出蚕丝业自身季节性变化和国际市场上供求规律的影响;在丝绸贸易的背后,银价、汇兑等成为出口市场波动的支配性因素。
The income distribution effect of fdi through outward trade channel should n ' t be ignored too . it has different behaviors for the whole country and various areas . within the whole country , through attraction to the labor flow , the effects of fdi on skilled and non - skilled labors is different , and thus having different income distributional effects on labors in various levels 外商直接投资通过贸易渠道的收入分配效应同样不可忽视,这在全国与各地区的表现不同,在全国范围内,外商直接投资通过吸引劳动力要素流动,对技术和非技术劳动力就业产生了不同的作用,从而影响到不同层次劳动力之间的收入分配状况。