After china ' s entry into the wto , her growth rate of import will excess that of export , experiencing a slight fall in trade index , yet still in the margin of trade surplus 加入wto后,由于外国企业在中国获得了更多的贸易许可,中国的进口增长率将会高于出口增长率,贸易指数将有所减少,但是仍会保持在顺差的范围内。
Board members noted that deseasonalized series of quarterly gross domestic product , value and volume indices of monthly retail sales , and monthly trade values and trade indices had been released 委员会知悉去除季节性变异后的本地生产总值按季数列、零售业按月销售额的货值和货量指数,以及按月贸易货值和贸易指数,已经公布。
From the late 1990s , the china - south korea fta had already caused a highly attention of the two governments . china state council development research center and korea external economic policies institute are responsible for researches and feasibility studies of this special area , and some of the related northeast asian economic research institutes also did researches of china - south korea fta in various aspects 中韩fta建立的重点,在于以农业为中心的第一产业和以制造业为中心的第二产业,这也是双方在fta探讨过程中出现争议最多的地方。本文以农业、制造业为中心,运用大量的数据及贸易指数,针对两国构建fta的可行性进行深入探讨,总结两国构建fta存在的争论点,并提出几点政策性建议。