Other issues , such as reasons of china " s financial account surplus , trend of china " s bop , implications of china " s bop structure for macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth , and rational countermeasures of government are also discussed . three main parts organize the dissertation ; the first part is about china " s trade surplus in 1990s 在新古典主义、凯恩斯主义、货币主义和八十年代以后的新古典宏观经济学的带动下,理论界对贸易余额的研究方向也不断发展和完善,尽管这样,仅仅靠这些理论还不足以解释类似中国所经历的贸易顺差问题。
Based on china " s stylized facts behind foreign trade and a brief review of trade theories in new classicalism , keynesianism , monetarism and intertemporal approach of current account , a theoretical model is built . in this model , relative price , saving rate , technology progress rate in tradable department comparing with nontradable department , and foreign direct investment are all included to explain trade balance 利用本文的研究框架并结合实证资料,可以发现高储蓄率、贸易品部门相对于非贸易品部门较快的技术进步率和国外直接投资在1993年以后的大规模流入都是促成中国1994年以后贸易余额持续顺差的主要原因。