贴近 press close to; nestle up against; lean close to 把耳朵贴近门边 press one's ear close to the door; 那孩子贴近他身边, 轻声说了几句话。 the child nestled up against him and murmured a few words
Probe and analysis about the three approach of the dengxiaoping theory coarse 课三贴近的探析
As a subject , which has a close connection with the daily life , chemistry has many advantages 化学作为一门与生活比较贴近的学科,有着独特的优势。
In this paper we take a closer look at botnets , common attack techniques , and the individuals involved 这里,我们对僵尸网络,普遍的攻击技术以及涉及到的个人做一个更贴近的观察。
The tendency for prices of physicals and futures to approach one another , usually during the delivery month . also called a “ narrowing of the basis ” 通常指在进入交割月后,现货价格和期货价格相互贴近的趋势,又称“基差变小” 。
Don t take for granted the things closest to your heart . cling to them as you would cling to your life , for without them , life is meaningless 与你内心最贴近的东西,切莫等闲视之。要像坚守生命一样坚守住它们,因为失去它们,生活就会毫无意义。
Britain , with its love of burgers and packaged meals , is seen as following closest on america ' s heels , but the rate of obesity has started to swell on the continent too 爱吃汉堡包和打包食物的英国被看作是跟美国最贴近的“跟屁虫” ,不过其“肥胖队伍”同样开始日益壮大。
Taking it as a basic unit can truly reflect the whole process of the translator ' s thinking , and will guide the translator to an awareness of a coordinating unity microscopically and macroscopically in conceiving of and organizing his whole translation , and eventually offers the original " the most natural and closest equivalence " 以它为基本单位真实反映了译者思维的全过程,能正确指引译者在谋篇布局中做到微观和宏观的协调统一,成功的为原文提供“最自然而又最贴近的对等” 。
To be exact , if we combine the rough set theory with fuzzy set theory , optimize the users " queries of synonym and homoionym and then return the query results in the descending of similarity of the documents and queries , the users can get the most relevant query results as long as they define their queries according to their interests and describe their interest weight of every keyword in their queries in details 用户可以先根据自己在某个时刻的兴趣爱好自定义查询,详细刻画查询中各关键词的兴趣度,然后系统采用粗糙集和模糊集理论相结合的方法,对用户查询进行同义词、近义词的优化和回归,再进行查询匹配,将查询结果按其与用户查询相似度高低顺序返回,使用户获得与其兴趣最贴近的查询结果。