Experimental studies on the preparation techniques of tongtong patch 痛通贴剂制备工艺的考察
Research on the action of tongjingting paste 痛经停贴剂作用研究
Giue of our great society 伟大社会的黏贴剂。
Experimental study on anti - inflammatory and analgesic effects of yitieling paste 一贴灵贴剂抗炎镇痛作用的实验研究
Effects of different transdermal enhancers on percutaneous absorption of ephedrine in compound herba ephedrae adhesive plaster 不同透皮促进剂对复方麻黄贴剂中麻黄碱透皮吸收的影响
A suggestion that will be taken up , however , is to provide free nicotine gum and patches to the poorest in society to help cut down on smoking 但是,有一个提议将被采纳,就是免费提供给穷人尼古丁口香糖和贴剂,以帮助减少吸烟人数。
Objective : the action of ytk was disscused , such as the antiinflammation action and the opponens action on the salpingitic block of the experimental rats and the effect on hemorheology 摘要目的:探讨炎痛克贴剂对实验性大鼠输卵管炎症阻塞的对抗作用。
Of the estimated 150 , 000 victorian women using hrt pills , patches and nasal sprays when the 2002 findings were released , half abandoned their prescribed treatment 自维多利亚时代以来据估计约有150 , 000位女性使用激素替代疗法药丸,随着2002年贴剂和鼻腔喷雾剂的发明,约半数女性抛弃了口服药丸的治疗方法。
Introduction : on may 26th , zhuhai guojia new macromolecule material ltd . commenced production upon the completion , and marks the completion of another national 863 plan project has been settled in zhuhai 市委副书记钟世坚出席了剪彩仪式。据介绍,国佳高分子新材料有限公司是由海格尔科技有限公司2003年投资成立,拥有高分子凝胶技术等4项国家专利,公司一期设有医疗用贴剂和化妆品两条生产线。
The hp - developed skin patch uses microneedles that barely penetrate the skin ; this radically reduces discomfort compared to traditional hypodermic needles and enables the technique to be used with a much wider variety of drugs and biopharmaceuticals Hp研发的皮肤贴剂采用显微针头技术,几乎不穿透皮肤;这也完全避免了传统皮下注射针头带来的不适,同时使得该项技术在药学和生物制剂上更为广泛的应用。