邮票 postage stamp; stamp 航空邮票 air mail stamp; 欠资邮票 postage-due stamp; 特种邮票 special stamp; 无齿孔邮票 imperforate; 一套纪念邮票 a set of commemorative stamps; 贴邮票 stick on the stamps
He hands her a package , stamped and addressed . gives them a pleasant smile . turns and strolls from the bank 他递给出纳一个写好地址和贴上邮票的包裹,送出一个愉快的微笑,转身走出银行。
If you wish to be notified of the receipt of your entry , please enclose a self - addressed , stamped postcard 如果您想在我们收到您的作品后给您确认,请随附一个写上收信人地址,贴上邮票的明信片。
A blank souvenir cover with no stamps attached will be available for $ 1 at all post offices from 30 september 2004 onwards . a serviced souvenir cover will be available as from 7 october 2004 at 39 philatelic offices conveniently located throughout hong kong 由九月三十日起,未有贴上邮票的空白纪念封将于各邮政局有售,每个售价$ 1 ;已盖销首日封亦将由十月七日起,于遍布全港的三十九间集邮局发售。