- perfoliate leaf
- perfoliate-leaf
- perfoliated leaf
- 贯穿 run through breakthrough; pe ...
- 叶 leaf; foliage
- 贯穿叶理 penetrative foliation
- 合生贯穿叶 perforated leaf
- 茎贯穿叶而生长的 perfoliate
- 穿叶的 perfoliate
- 贯穿 1.(贯窜) run through2.(穿过; 连通) breakthrough; penetrate; [医学] transfixion;◇贯穿辐射 penetrating radiation; 贯穿理论 transversal theory; 贯穿切割 through cutting; 贯穿深度 depth of penetration; 贯穿术 transfixion; 贯穿针 transfixion pin; 贯穿轴 through-going shaft
- 穿叶独行菜 l.perfoliatum
- 被…贯穿 be informed by
- 遍及;贯穿 throughout
- 穿过, 贯穿 run sth through sth
- 穿透,贯穿 penetration
- 刺穿,贯穿 run through
- 贯穿,浏览 run throguh
- 贯穿,穿透 penetration
- 贯穿,到处 throughout
- 贯穿板 through plate
- 贯穿波 penetrating wave
- 贯穿的 penetrative; perforative; through
- 贯穿点 piercing point
- 贯穿计 penetrameter
- 贯穿甲 transfixion nail
- 贯穿件 penetrating item; penetrating piece
- 贯穿坑 penetration pit
- 贯穿孔 through hole
- 贯穿叶的法语:feuille perfoliée
- 贯穿叶的俄语:pinyin:guànchuānyè бот. пронзённый лист