- 贯众 Cyrtomium fortunei the rhizo ...
- 粉末 powder; flour; stive; smalls
- 绵马贯众粉末 male fern rhizome
- 贯众 1.[植物学] cyrtomium fortunei (蕨类多年生草本, 根状茎及叶柄基部入中药)2.[中药] the rhizome of cyrtomium; rhizoma polystichi; thizoma aspidii; basket fern; chinese [japanese] aspidium; rhizoma dryopteris crassirhizomae
- 贯众属 cyrtominum; cyrtomium
- 贯众素 cryrtominetin; cyrtominetin; syrtominetin
- 贯众亭 cyrtominetin
- 毛贯众 champion wood fern rhizome
- 粉末 powder; flour; stive; smalls 把某物弄成[磨成] 粉末 reduce [grind] sth. to powder; 撒以粉末 sprinkle with flour
- 刺齿贯众 cyrtomium caryotideum presl; cyrtomium caryotideumpresl
- 次贯众苷 cyrtopterin
- 大贯众蕨 cyrtomium falcatum / japanese holly fern
- 大叶贯众 cyrtomium muticum ching; cyrtomium muticumching
- 单叶贯众 crytomium hemionitis; cyrtomium hemionitis
- 低头贯众 crytomium nephrolepioides; cyrtomium nephrolepioides
- 东北贯众素 dryocrassin
- 凤尾贯众 acanthophyllous shield fern herb
- 狗脊贯众 japonica china fern rhizome; rhizoma woodwardiae
- 贯众生粉 dwarf lilyturf tuber
- 荚果蕨贯众 matteuccia fern rhizome; meadowrue root and rhizome; rhizoma matteucciae
- 尖耳贯众 caryota-like holly fern rhizome
- 金缘贯众 cyrtomium falcatum presl; cyrtomium falcatumpresl
- 绵马贯众 basket fern rhizome; basket fern zhizome; crassirhizomatis; male fern rhizome; rhizoma dryopteris crassirhizomae; thick wood-fern rhizome
- 乌毛蕨贯众 oriental blechnum fern rhizome; rhizoma blechni
- 紫萁贯众 hog brake rhizome; japanesefloweringfernrhizome; rhizoma osmundae