- purchase market integration
- 购销 purchase and sale; buying an ...
- 结合 combine; unite; integrate; l ...
- 暗销结合 dowel joint
- 暗销结合的 dowelled
- 产销结合 integrate production and sale; production is co-ordinated with marketing
- 撤销结合 destroy association
- 产销结合的直接销售 direct marketing by integration
- 购销 purchase and sale; buying and selling◇购销差价 difference; 购销倒挂 purchasing price exceeded the selling price; 购销合同 contracts for purchase and marketing of the products; 购销结合 purchase-market integration; 购销渠道 buying and selling channels
- 暗销结合暗销接头定缝钉接合 dowel joint
- 购销表 trading statement
- 购销帐 trading accounts
- 紧密销结的 tightly-keyed
- 购销表;销货表 trading statement
- 购销差价 difference
- 购销倒挂 purchasing price exceeded the selling price
- 购销管理局 marketing boards
- 购销合同 contract of purchase; purchase and sale contract; trading contract
- 购销价差 purchase and marketing price differentials
- 购销两旺 a brisk trade; brisk buying and selling; both purchasing and marketing are brisk
- 购销渠道 buying and selling channels; buying-selling channel
- 购销市场化 market orientation of purchase and sale
- 购销损益表 trading and profit and loss account
- 购销损益帐 income statement; trading and profit and lo account; trading and profit and loss account
- 购销体制 purchases and sales system
- 购销盈余 trading surplus