购买 purchase; buy; emption 到别处购买 buy elsewhere; 从某人处购买某物 buy from [of] sb.; 购买礼品 gift purchases; 现金购买 ready-money purchase; 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。 he gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.; 购买袋 [英国] carrier bag; 购买动机 buying motive; 购买价格 purchasing price; 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买税 purchase tax; 购买限额 buying quota; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买中心 shopping center
购买力 purchasing [buying] power; buy◇购买力平价 purchasing power parity; 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power parity; 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theory
First trace back the historical development of the two methods 第2章购买法与权益集合法的比较研究。
A . this section discusses the purchase method and some accounting issues 一是介绍了购买法及其财务会计问题。
C . the difference in the purchase method and the pooling of interest method 三是介绍了购买法与权益联营法的区别及二者的优劣分析。
You ' ve signed that gire purchase agreement and you can ' t really afford the repayments . you should look before you leap 你已经签了分期付款购买法合同,但实际上你无法偿还,你在行动前应该谨慎。
According to the financial index , like profit , of contemporary period and next periods , pooling method is superior to purchase method 从鲁西化工合并当期和以后各期的利润等财务指标来看权益结合法比购买法有优势。
There are three kinds of accounting methods for business combinations , which are the purchase method , the pooling of interests method and the fresh - start method 合并的会计方法有购买法、权益集合法和重新开始法三种。
This paper suggests that what china should choose is a kind of binary structures that allowing purchase method and the pooling of 我们建议我国应当选择的是允许购买法与权益结合法并存并对权益结合法的适用范围实施严格限制的二元格局。
Then introduce the purchase method and pooling of interest respectively . finally come to the conclusion that purchase will be the ultimate unique method of business combination 由此归纳出两者的区别和利弊,得出结论:购买法将最终成为企业合并的唯一处理方法。
There are purchase method , pooling method and fresh - start method in accounting methods dealing with acquisition by exchange of stock , whereas fresh - start method has not been in use 换股合并会计处理法有购买法,权益结合法和重新开始法三种,重新开始法在实际当中还没有得到应用。
The last one has never been used in practice yet ; the second one is used under strict conditions ; and the first one is used in every comer of the world . we should use the purchase method in all combinations 重新开始法在全球还没得到实际应用,权益集合法在少数国家(如美国)得到了有限的应用,购买法是应用最广的一种方法。