- be friends in the days when (we were) hard up; a friend in [from] earlier days when one was poor
- 贫贱 poor and lowly; in straitene ...
- 交 hand over; give up; deliver
- 贫贱 poor and lowly; in straitened and humble circumstances 贫贱不能移 not to be shaken or modified by one's poverty or destitution
- 贫贱的 poor and lowly underprivileged
- 卑贱之人 rat
- 贵贱之人 gentle and simple
- 廉贱之旅馆 flophouse
- 贫贱不能移 he is not to be subdued by force not swerved by poverty; not to be shaken or modified by one's poverty or destitution
- 贫贱不移 poor but with lofty [high] ideals [aspirations]; neither poverty nor lowly condition can make him swerve from principle
- 贫贱骄人 be proud of one's poverty
- 无论贫贱 et tunc curat and then soothes
- 之交,我正 the turn that i was making
- 生活是贫贱的 life is poor and mean / dog
- 工作无贵贱之分 jobs make all equal
- 点头之交泛泛之交 bowing acquaintance
- 八拜之交 (become) sworn brothers [sisters]; sworn brotherhood; the relationship between sworn brothers [sisters]
- 把袂之交 a very intimate friendship; a bosom friend
- 笔墨之交 be literary friends
- 冰炭之交 the alliance of ice and redhot coal; an impossible friendship
- 布衣之交 friends in days of simple life; a friend one made when one was a commoner or in humble circumstances
- 春夏之交 at the end of spring and the beginning of summer
- 到世纪之交 by the turn of the century
- 道义之交 a friendship based on principles of morality and justice
- 点头之交 (have) a nodding acquaintance with ...; a bowing acquaintance; an incidental acquaintance 我和他只有点头之交。 i have only a bowing [nodding] acquaintance with him
- 冬春之交 at the end of winter and the beginning of spring
- 贫贱之交的日语:〈成〉下積み時代の友人(交遊). 贫贱之交不可忘/下積み時代の友人を忘れてはならない.
- 贫贱之交什么意思:pín jiàn zhī jiāo 【解释】贫困时结交的知心朋友。 【出处】《后汉书·宋弘传》:“(光武帝)谓弘曰:‘谚言贵易交,富易妻,人情乎?’弘曰:‘臣闻贫贱之知不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。’” 【拼音码】pjzj 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;含褒义 【故事】东汉初年,刘秀起用西汉时期的侍中宋弘,并升他为“太中大夫”。刘秀的姐姐守寡并看上了宋弘,刘秀想把姐姐嫁给宋弘,问宋弘对“贵易交,富易...