Registered capital shall be paid - in capital 注册资本为实缴货币资本。
The minimum amount of registered capital shall be the paid in money capital 保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。
The minimum amount of registered capital for the establishment of an insurance company shall be fully paid - up in monetary form 保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。
For all their gorgeous architecture , it is hard to see why the baltic capitals should be pricier than berlin , vienna or frankfurt 就它们华丽的建筑来说,就无法解释为什么波罗的海各国的货币资本要比柏林,维也纳或者法兰克福值钱。
The consumption - wealth ratio , the mean growth rate of economic and the portfolio shares were derived by using stochastic optimization method 通过随机最优化方法,确定了均衡状态下的消费财富比,期望经济增长率以及货币资本的份额。
Now a popular international concept is how to combine money - capital and human - capital effectively . attention shall be diverted from the money - capital to the human - capital 我们应把过去重视货币资本转移到强调人力资本在整个资本活动中的地位上来。
Traditionally , enterprise securities market financing means obtaining currency capital collection and currency capital profits by being listed in securities markets 传统意义上的企业证券市场融资,是企业通过其证券市场的上市而获得货币资本的筹集并取得货币化资本收益。
The best system to encourage human capital owners effectively and enduringly is to let human capital owners and monetary capital owners share the ownership of enterprise 而对经营管理者具有有效和长期激励作用的最佳制度安排,就是让其与货币资本所有者共同拥有企业的所有权。
Firstly , a new concept of venture capital based on old ones is present : " venture capital is a combination mode of financial capital and human capital in innovation , which is a system innovation . 首先,本文基于已有风险投资定义提出: “风险投资是技术创新活动中货币资本与人力资本相互融合的有机形式,是一种制度创新。 ”
With the development of knowledge economy , the status of human capital has been improved . the human capital has become the most important production factor and an important ingredient of social wealth 知识经济的发展,使人的智能化地位获得空前提高,人力资本已超越了物质资本和货币资本成为最主要的生产要素和社会财富的重要组成部分。