发货单 bil of delivery; bill of delivery; consignment invoice; d/o delivery order; delivery note; despatch list; despatching note; dispatch list; ship order; shipping order
Servo was swamped with rush order for the korean war . 塞尔伏为了朝鲜战争的紧急定货单忙得要死。
We'd like to meet your requirements, but our order book is very full . 我们很愿意满足你们的需要,不过我们的货单已订得满满的了。
Servo was swamped with rush orders for the korean war-perhaps we could help . 塞尔伏为了韩战的紧急定货单忙得要死--也许我们可以帮他一点忙。
A buyer either places a closed indent, which names the supplier, or an open indent, which leaves the choice of supplier to the agent . 买方或提出闭口定货单,指定供货商;或提出开口订货,由代理商自己选择供货商。
They really are snowed under with new orders 新的定货单实在使他们应接不暇了。
Receipts will not be re - issued if lost or damaged 购货单如有遗失,恕不补发。
We enclose a list show our present availability 兹附上我方现时可以供应的货单一张。
I include eggs on the list of things to buy 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。
Price prompt delivery small orders accepted 价格可接受小订量货单供货及时
He checked the contents of the box against the bill 他对照货单检查了箱子里装的东西。