contributorcontributory contributory
贡献 contribute; dedicate; devote ...对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名 credits credit titles; credits, credit titles对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启及鸣谢者姓名 credit titles; credits呈献者 presenter奉献者 dedicator捐献者 donor; subscriber贡献 contribute; dedicate; devote; contribution 贡献大小 size of one's contribution; 贡献自己的一份力量 contribute one's share; do one's bit (for); 对某事有所贡献 contribute to sth.; 他决心把毕生精力贡献给科学事业。 he is determined to devote his life to sicence. 中国应当对人类作出较大贡献。 china ought to make a greater contribution to humanity器官捐献者 organ donor受奉献者 dedicatee纯贡献 net contribution对…贡献 contribution to服务,贡献 service to; serviceto负贡献 negative contribution贡献,捐助 contribute贡献,把 dedicate to贡献,付出 give of oneself贡献,捐款 congtribution贡献,捐献 contribution贡献表 contribution statement贡献的 arpu; contributing; contributivecontributory; dedicative; tributary贡献度 apru; arpu; contribution; customer profitability贡献法 contribution approach贡献费 contribution fee贡献给 be devoted to; devote to; make a contribution to贡献奖 merit award
It is another exothermic contributor to the proton-proton cycle . 它对质子-质子循环则是另一个放能贡献者 。 He s also one of the core contributors to penguinppc . org 而且他还是penguinppc . org的核心贡献者 之一。 The work thus licensed is called the contributor ' s " contributor version " 这样的程序被成为贡献者 的“贡献者版本” 。 The moon is a major contributor to these tides in the earth ' s electric field 在对地球电离层的潮汐影响上,月亮是一个主要的贡献者 。 There s a bigger issue than money when it comes to rewarding technical contributors 当奖励技术贡献者 时,会出现一个比金钱更大的问题。 At first they were bankable contributors , but now they ' ve become question marks 起初,他们都是一些火力贡献者 ,但现在他们已经成为问号。 Sponsor is not confirmed . provide recognition to the contributor in the application of peptide 本奖励宗旨:奖励在国内对多肽应用做出贡献者 。 He is a genuine team player and a dependable , comprehensive and thoughtful contributor 他是一个真正的小组活动家,可*的、全面的、有思想的贡献者 。 Spring contributors , authors , and users alike pack the message board with outstanding content Spring贡献者 、创始人和用户都以杰出的内容填满了留言板。