- assistant secretary of the army for research development and acquisition
- 负责 be responsible for; be in ch ...
- 研究 study; research
- 发展 develop; expand; grow; burge ...
- 和 mix; blend
- 深 deep
- 测 survey; fathom; measure
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 助理 assistant
- 陆军 army; ground force; land for ...
- 部长 minister; head of a departme ...
- 负责研究发展和后勤的助理空军部长 assistant secretary of the air force for research development and logistics
- 负责人力和后备事务的助理陆军部长 assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs
- 负责土建工程的助理陆军部长 assistant secretary of the army for civil works
- 负责研究发展和探测的副参谋长 deputy chief of staff for research development and acquistion; deputy chief of staff fot research development and acquisition
- 助理陆军部长 assistant secretary of the army
- 负责研究工程和系统的助理海军部长 assistant secretary of the navy for research engineering and system
- 负责设施后勤和财政管理的助理陆军部长 assistant secretary of the army for installations logistics and financial management
- 海军陆战队负责研究发展和学习的副参谋长 deputy chief of staff of the marine corps for research development and studies
- 负责发展和支援的助理国防部长 assistant secretary of defense for development and support
- 负责研究和分析的助理参谋长 assistant chief of staff for studies and analysis
- 负责财务管理的助理空军部长 assistant secretary of the air force for financial management
- 负责人力和后备事务的助理海军部长 assistant secretary of the navy for manpower and reserve affairs
- 负责造船和后勤的助理海军部长 assistant secretary of the navy for shipbulding and logistics
- 负责经济预测的助理财政部长帮办 deputy assistant secretary of treasury for economic forecasting
- 负责人力后备事务和设施的助理空军部长 assistant secretary of the air force for manpower reserve affairs and installations