- wolves, tigers and leopards; the tigers, leopards, wolves and other beasts of prey; tigers and wolves
- 豺狼 jackals and wolves; cruel and evil people
- 狼虎年华 another man's poison
- 虎豹墅 tiger balm garden
- 豺狼的 of the jackal
- 豺狼人 gnoll
- 豺狼座 lupus (constellation); lupus (lup)
- bbc 狮虎豹 bbc big cat week
- bbc狮虎豹 big cat week
- 虎豹(国际)公司 haw par (international)
- 虎豹别墅 tiger balm garden
- 虎豹墅 (新加坡) haw par villa
- 虎豹小霸王 butch cassidy & sundance kid; raindrops keefalling on my head from butch cassidy and the sundance kid
- 虎豹中心 haw par centre
- 惊天龙虎豹 deadly china dolls; jing tian long hu bao
- 比豺狼还狠 more savage than a wolf
- 豺狼般的 wolfish
- 豺狼成性 wolfish-hearted; rapacious and ruthless; as brutal as beasts; be fierce and cruel in disposition as a jackal or a wolf; wolfish
- 豺狼戴尔 dwolf
- 豺狼当道 wolves stop the road -- evil men usurping authority.; bad person in power; jackals and wolves hold sway.; the cruel and the wicked are in power.; a wolf stands astride road.; a wolf stands in the way
- 豺狼的日子 the day of the jackal
- 豺狼帝国 the empire of the wolves; the empire of wolves
- 豺狼计划 cry wolf; the jackal plan
- 豺狼卡洛斯 carlos the jackal
- 豺狼末日 schakal, der; the day of the jackal; the jackal
- 豺狼当道安问狐狸 when wolves are in power what's the use of assailing foxes
- 豺狼日子 the day of the jackal
- 豺狼虎豹的日语:あくにんのそうしょう 悪 人 の総 称
- 豺狼虎豹的韩语:【성어】 승냥이·이리·범·표범; 맹수의 총칭. 짐승 같은 놈들.
- 豺狼虎豹什么意思:chái láng hǔ bào 【解释】泛指危害人畜的各种猛兽。比喻凶残害人的恶人 【出处】清·刘鹗《老残游记》第八回:“实在可怕的是豺狼虎豹。天晚了,倘若出来个把,我们就坏了。” 【示例】清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一回:“第一种蛇鼠虫蚊;第二种是~。” 【拼音码】clhb 【用法】联合式;作宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】jackal, tiger, leopard