Your way of thinking is a melancholy error 您的观点是一种可悲的谬见。 ”
It ' s a popular fallacy that success always brings happiness 认为成功总是带来幸福是一种普遍的谬见。
It is a popular fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness 假定财富永远带来幸福是常有的谬见。
Incorrect knowledge is based upon perception of the form and not upon the state of being 谬见是以形而上的感觉为基础理论而不由真实存在(实相)中得来。
These modifications ( activities ) are correct knowledge , incorrect knowledge , fancy , passivity ( sleep ) and memory 这些转变(活动)是正知,谬见,幻想,被动的睡眠态以及记忆。
Most of the misery had been generated by her conventional aspect , and not by her innate sensations 她的大部分痛苦,都是因为她的世俗谬见引起的,并不是因为她的固有感觉引起的。
For i had no doubt that , whatever the nature of their creed , stubbornness and inflexible obstinacy surely deserve to be punished 盖臣深信,无论其人所持教义为何,冥顽不化、固执谬见者合当处死。
Our posturing , our imagined self - importance , the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe , are challenged by this point of pale light 我们自己造成的心境,自己想像出来的自以为很重要的心态,自以为在宇宙中很重要的谬见和妄念,就遭到这苍白小点的影像的质疑了。
May i give up any doubts regarding the master , the embodiment of all the sugatas , and without slipping into the mistaken view of considering him as an equal , may i see him as an actual buddha 愿我弃舍任何对一切诸佛化身的上师之怀疑,并避免掉入视他与为同等的谬见中,愿我视他为真实的佛陀。
The obstacles to soul cognition are bodily disability , mental inertia , wrong questioning , carelessness , laziness , lack of dispassion , erroneous perception , inability to achieve concentration , failure to hold the meditative attitude when achieved 令意识受到障碍干扰的原因来自于身体障疾、业习、惑见、疏忽、怠惰、缺乏冷静、谬见、精神难以集中以及静默观想状态的失败。