gratitude; thankfulness 短语和例子
聊表谢意 as a token of my gratitude; 预致谢意 thank you in anticipation; 深切的谢意 deep gratitude; 对于你的帮助, 我几乎难以表达我的谢意。 i can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help. 她请我吃饭以表谢意。 she showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner
表示谢意 expressing thanks; showing thanks; thank for诚挚的谢意 heartfelt thanks对…表示谢意 thank for藉表谢意 a token of gratitude谨致谢意 thank you earnestlyplease accept my sincere thanks聊表谢意 a token of my gratitude深切的谢意 degratitude顺致谢意 thanks regards由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks预致谢意 thank you in anticipation对…(做) 致以谢意 thank for doing + n说出你的谢意 saying thank you表示谢意(非正式场合) showing thanks (informal)对…表示谢意例如 thank for我们将甚表谢意 we shall be pleased to receive your enquiries for the machineries请向她转达我的谢意 please convey my gratitude to her她请我吃饭以表谢意 she showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner对于你的帮助我几乎难以表达我的谢意 i can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help谢毅强 xie yiqiang谢伊佐娃 sejcova谢毅兴 yi-hsing hsieh谢伊峡谷国家保护区 cayon de chelly national monument谢义炳 xie yibing谢伊希 seyhi谢因 sejn谢伊托瓦 seitova
Expansively, massa lea waved away the thanks . 李老爷豪爽地挥手制止谢意 。 It symbolizes their appreciation and gratitude . 它象征着他们的赞赏和谢意 。 Please receive my humble thanks . 请接受我这点微薄的谢意 。 He felt all the thanks she could not utter . 他感觉到她无法用言语表达她的谢意 。 Please convey my gratitude to her . 请向她转达我的谢意 。 We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude . 我们能有机会表示谢意 十分高兴。 Did the boss do anything else to show his thanks ? 老板有没有做其它的事来表示他的谢意 ? He looked his thanks . 他用眼睛表示了谢意 。 I can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help . 对于你的帮助,我几乎难以表达我的谢意 。 I smiled my thanks . 我以微笑表示谢意 。
谢意的法语 :名 remerciement;gratitude;reconnaissance谢意的日语 :謝意.感謝の気持ち. 预致 yùzhì 谢意/あらかじめお礼を申し上げます. 谨 jǐn 致薄礼 bólǐ ,聊 liáo 表谢意/粗品ながらお礼とし,感謝の意を表したいと思います.谢意的韩语 :[명사] 사의. 감사의 뜻. 预致谢意; 미리 사의를 표합니다 谨致薄礼, 聊表谢意; 보잘것없는 선물로 약소하나마 삼가 감사의 뜻을 표합니다谢意的俄语 :[xièyì] благодарность; признательность谢意什么意思 :xièyì 感谢的心意。