谈谈英语教育专业本科毕业论文的写作 a guide to graduation thesis writing for college english education majors
My love of talk still abides with me . 我还保持着喜欢谈天的习惯。
Conversation with him was always so stimulating . 和他谈天,令人觉得振奋。
These preliminaries over, the three began to talk . 序幕演完了,三个人开始谈天。
Jane was very composedly talking to bingley . 吉英正在安安静静地跟彬格莱先生谈天。
He admired the dexterity with which their host directed the conversation . 他佩服主人诱导大伙谈天的机敏劲儿。
We saw all the rarities of oxford and talked with two or three fellows of colleges . 我们看到了牛津所有的古迹珍物并同两三位学员谈天。
You will see a dealer in barrel business sitting at his door twiddling his thumbs as he gossips with a neighbour . 你也可看到一个做酒桶生意的商人,两只大拇指绕来绕去,坐在门口跟邻居谈天。
The old grandmother-who had latterly become quite childish-used to sit and listen to all this talk with a superior air . 近来老祖母变得很有些孩子气了,她总是带着高高在上的神态坐着听他们谈天。
Foker, though he did not invite miss amory, had some delicious opportunities of conversation with her during the repast . 福克虽然没有得到邀请艾默里小组的权利,但在酒席上却捞到了一些跟她谈天的宝贵机会。
You can talk about weather to anybody at any time 您可以随时和别人谈天气。