The things you said this morning when you couldn't find a fresh pair of socks in your drawer weren't exactly examples of polite speech, were they ! 今天早上你在你的抽屉里找不到一双洗过的袜子时说的话,不能算是谈吐文雅的榜样吧!
So , i wonder why a girl as " articulate , classy and spectacularly beautiful " as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy 我对于一个像?这样既"谈吐文雅、有品位、又能让人惊艳"的女孩仍然钓不到个冤大头感到疑惑。
To be worthy , not respectable and wealthy , not rich ; to study hard , think quietly , talk gently , act frankly ; to listen to stars adn birds , to babes and sages , with open heart ; to bear all cheerfully , do all bravely , await occasions , hurry never 活得要有意义,但无需赢得万人敬慕或挣得万贯家私;努力学习,静静思索,谈吐文雅,坦诚行事;找开心扉倾听婴儿的牙牙学语和圣哲的微言大义;愉快的承受一切,勇敢地去做每一件事,等待机遇,永不匆忙
To be worthy , not respectable and wealthy , not rich ; to study hard , think quietly , talk gently , act frankly ; to listen to stars and birds , to babes and sages , with open heart ; to bear all cheerfully , do all bravely , await occasions , hurry never 活得要有意义,但无需赢得万人敬慕或挣得万贯家私;努力学习,静静思索,谈吐文雅,坦诚行事;打开心扉倾听星星的微语和鸟儿的歌唱,倾听婴儿的牙牙学语和圣哲的微言大义;愉快的承受一切,勇敢地去做每一件事,等待机遇,永不匆忙。
This dichotomy misses the fact that ai has quietly been lending its more modest achievements to real - world computing for quite some time . every other movie and sci - fi tv series features the omnipotent space ship computer with the personable talking head ; in the real world , computer programs with connections to sensors and tools , using very mundane input and output , make many tasks in space possible that would be beyond the accuracy and processing power of humans 一半以上的科幻电影和科幻电视连续剧里面都有一台无所不知的宇宙飞船电脑,它拥有一个谈吐文雅的脑袋;在现实世界里,电脑的计算机程序总是和很多的传感器以及各种工具连在一起,使用一些非常普通的方式进行输入输出,尽可能快速及时地完成很多任务,这些任务对人类来说是过于精确和难以控制好的。
Miss temple had always something of serenity in her air , of state in her mien , of refined propriety in her language , which precluded deviation into the ardent , the excited , the eager : something which chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her and listened to her , by a controlling sense of awe ; and such was my feeling now : but as to helen burns , i was struck with wonder 坦普尔小姐向来神态安详,风度庄重,谈吐文雅得体,这使她不至于陷入狂热激奋和浮躁,同样也使看着她和倾听她的人,出于一种敬畏心情,不会露出过份的喜悦,这就是我此刻的情感。但海伦的情况却使我十分吃惊。