3 . do research on the tunable micro - cavity polyimide light - emitting diodes 对可调谐的微腔聚合物电致发光二极管进行了研究。
If the tunable receiver is required , the filter must be tunable . so basing on diversity theory , there are diversified tunable filters 如果系统需要波长可调谐接收机,那么滤光片必须是可调谐的。
The dreamtime of true timing projects the heartbeat of earth , or the rhythm with which all much attune to in order to align in present time to ascend together 正确定时之梦想时间层投射出地球的心跳,或为了在当前时间排列来一起提升而调谐的节奏。
Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can locate your car precisely at any moment and warn of traffic jams 你汽车上与绕轨道运行的卫星发出的无线电信号调谐的传感器能随时精确地确定你汽车的方位,并告知交通阻塞情况。
The vco is optimized according to the targets of low voltage - supply , low power consumption , low phase noise and large tuning range . with a voltage - supply of 与由反型mos变容管调谐的压控振荡器比较,结果表明积累型变容管调谐的vco具有更好的相位噪声性能。
It is at the pineal center that we gradually become oriented to the christ - presence , where we may even receive the mind of christ , depending on the degree of the attunement 我们是在松果腺被逐渐导向基督显现,我们甚至会在那里接受到基督意识,这取决于调谐的程度。
The mechanical tunable grating filter is realized by a grating and a rotary section . the angle between the incident light and grating is the decisive factor of the transmit wavelength 如:机械调谐的可调光栅滤光片,光栅安装在一个旋转部件上,光栅与入射光的夹角决定了所需要选择的波长。
Finally the great crystal was tuned too high , activating volcanoes and melting mountains , ultimately causing the submergence of atlantis , and perhaps even the axis shift of the earth itself 最后巨大的水晶是被调谐的太高,激活了火山和熔岩,终于导致了亚特兰提斯的沉没,甚至有可能地球本身的地轴也产生了变动。
What we actually receive depends upon our attitudes , motivations , the measure of our attunement , and the extent to which we have made applicable what was received in earlier dreams and in waking experiences 我们实际接收到的信息取决于我们的态度、动机、我们调谐的方式,以及使梦中和清醒状态的经验中接受到信息变为可以为我们所用的程度。