Public transportation program control realized through vb 6实现公交调度机程序控制
Technical requirements and testing method of spc analogue telephone dispatching equipment 程控模拟电话调度机技术要求和测试方法
Technical requirements and test method of digital stored program control dispatching equipment 数字程控调度机技术要求和测试方法
While commom large volume digital switch systems provide basic voice services , special digital switches are often undertaking critical coordination tasks in some special units , such as police , fire - fighting departments , medical emergency services , factories and ore fields , as well as power systems . these dedicated exchangers used to execute coordination are commonly called digital programmable coordinator ( dpc ) . the small volume dpc ' s introduced in this article are majorly used in power systems 除了通用大门数程控交换系统提供基本的语音服务外,专用的程控交换机在一些特殊部门如公安、消防、医疗急救、厂矿和电力系统中常常承担着重要的调度任务,这种专用的完成调度功能的交换机一般称为数字程控调度机,本文设计的小门数数字程控调度机就主要应用于电力部门。