高压电源 h.t.supply; high potential source; high tension supply; high voltage power source (hvps); high voltage source; high voltage supply; high-tension supply; high-tensionsupply; high-voltage power supply; high-voltagepowersupply; hts; hvps high voltage power supply
恒压电源 constant potential supply; constant voltage power supply; constant voltage source; constant voltage supply; constant voltagesource; constant-voltage source
稳压电源 constant voltage power supply; power, stabilizing; regular power; stabilized power supply; stabilized voltage supply; stabilizing power; voltage regulated power supply; voltage regulator power supply; voltage stabilized source; voltage-regulated power supply; voltage-stabilized source
交流稳压电源 ac power stabilizer; ac stabilified-voltage power
A description is also given of the thinking on the development of the power source , its technical innovations and its use 介绍了大功率调压电源的开发思路、技术创新点及应用情况。
An analysis is made from different points of view of the problems in the voltage controlled power source for the large domestic ammonia converter and methanator - methanolator 摘要从不同角度出发,剖析了国产大型氨合成、醇烃化装置调压电源存在的问题。