- try some of this tobacco. you'll say it's second to none
- 请 request; ask
- 尝 taste; try the flavour of
- 一 one
- 烟叶 tobacco leaf; leaf tobacco; ...
- 你 you
- 一定 fixed; established; regular
- 会说 able to talk persuasively or ...
- 它 it
- 是 Semantics
- 首屈一指 come first on the list; bear ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 最杰出的,首屈一指的 par excellence
- 首屈一指 come first on the list; bear [carry off; take] the palm; be matchless; be second to none; come out first 请尝一尝这种烟叶, 你一定会说它是首屈一指的。 try some of this tobacco. you'll say it's second to none. 在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。 in the output of grain, china is second to none
- 效率首屈一指 second to none in efficiency
- 某活动或行业中首屈一指的女性 leading woman in a specified activity or profession
- 那一个省是加拿大首屈一指的小麦生产商 which province is canada’s leading wheat producer
- 你一定会 and you'll be lookin' at the world livin' inside of a dome; you'll make it
- 尝一尝 have a taste
- 你一定会看到 you’ll surely find us
- 在粮食产量上中国首屈一指 in the output of grain china is second to none
- 尝一尝(味) have a taste
- 亲口尝一尝 taste it for oneself
- 你一定会成功的 you will make it; you'll make it; you'll make it
- 你一定会收获一切 cause you just might get it all
- 你一定会喜欢它的 you're bound to like it