The narrator repeated, giving out the bad word with the same passionless severity of the face as before . 说故事的人,把前面那句话又说了一遍,说那两个脏字的时候,脸上仍旧是以前那种不动声色的严肃态度。
An old woman became the grimm brothers ' most important storyteller 一位老妇人成为了格林兄弟最重要的说故事的人。
“ when we concern ourselves with the study of history , we become storyteller 当我们通过研究历史来考虑自身问题的时候,我们就会变成说故事的人。
The storyteller will be sitting beside a statue of a kindly looking man holding an open book 说故事的人会坐在一个和蔼可亲的男人雕像旁,他手里拿着一本翻开的书。
Francis is a good storyteller and an extremely good writer , and he encouraged me to start writing 福朗西斯是一个很擅长说故事的人,也是一个极其优秀的作家,他鼓励我开始写作。
It is sometimes said that the real heroine of pride and prejudice is the narrative voice , which tells the story and belongs to no one in the novel 有人说《傲慢与偏见》书中真正的英雌是说故事的人,那个叙述故事却又不属于书里角色的人。
Besides the vivid characteriziation and the narratinve skill in those novels , he stressed romantic attachment in the realistic settings , also religious nature could be observed 综计徐?先生先后出版长、中、短篇小说集数十部,被称为最会说故事的人。