说 try to persuade妥 appropriate; proper; suitabl ...说外行话 speaking as a lay person说托辞 quip说外语的天才 gift of the tongues: speaking in tongues说头知尾 if the head were spoken of in a matter, at once he knew the tail also说玩笑地 jocosely说头儿 1.(可谈之处) something to talk about; things to discuss 问题已经解决了, 没什么说头儿了。 now that the problem is solved, nothing remains to be said.2.(辩解的理由) excuse 你批评他, 他总有说头儿。 whenever you criticize him, he always has an excuse说完 finish telling说同样的语言 speak the same language说完这番话 with these words说通 succeed in reaching an agreement
" well , now that all is arranged , do not let these newly awakened remembrances be forgotten “好,现在一切都说妥 了,这些又唤起的往事现在不要轻易忘记了。
说妥的法语 :动 s'accorder;convenir说妥的日语 :合意に達する.話がまとまる.約束する. 两个村子说妥共同使用一台联合收割机 liánhé shōugējī /二つの村が共同で1台のコンバインを使用することに話がまとまった.说妥的韩语 :[동사] 말을 매듭짓다. 합의하다. →[言妥]说妥的俄语 :уговаривать