He's always been a good boy, he hadn't ever turned hard or evil disrespectful, the way kids can, so quick, especially in harlem . 他以前一向是个好孩子,你看现在的孩子,特别是哈莱姆的孩子,往往变得很快,真是说变就变,有变倔的,有变坏的,有变得全无体统的,而他从来就没有这样的情况。
A woman ' s mind and winter wind change oft 女人的心和冬天的风说变就变。水性杨花。
Northward weather says to change 北方的天气说变就变。
The summer weather resembles young girl s personality to say changeschanges , the time clear and boundless sky which goes out , evening hasthe possibility thunder and lightning crash , therefore the knapsackrainproof function is very important 夏季的天气好象少女的性情说变就变,出门的时候还是晴空万里,傍晚就有可能雷电交加,所以背包的防雨功能是很重要的。