- make endless exorbitant demands on; insatiable requests
- 诛求 demand booty; exact; blackma ...
- 无 not have; there is not; be w ...
- 已 stop; cease; end
- 诛求无厌 make endless exorbitant demands; make incessant, excessive demands
- 诛求 [书面语] demand booty; exact; blackmail; make endless exorbitant demands
- 成无已 cheng wu ji
- 递加无已 add to without a limit --continually
- 有加无已 become worse [more serious]; increase without cease, in numbers, extent, degree, intensity, etc
- 有增无已 continue to increase; keep growing; mount without a stop
- 但求无过 seek only to escape blame; seek only to avoid a flaw; only praying to commit no wrong
- 规求无度 unbounded covetousness; coveting without limit
- 苛求无厌 greedy; be overcritical; make [cook up] excessive demands; make excuses without satiety
- 贪求无厌 hog; insatiability
- 贪求无厌的 incapable of being satisfied : quenchless
- (远程更改请求无效)。 invalid remote change requested
- 不求有功,但求无过 do not hope to distinguish oneself,but only not to make mistakes
- 不求有功但求无过 seek not to be meritorious but only to avoid blame
- 使一项要求无效 extinguish a claim
- 资讯需求无国界 the need for information crosses all borders
- 对又一个请求无动于衷 numb to yet another appeal
- 我无法自拔,我所求无它 i can't helit there's nothin' i want more
- 不受价格影响的商品需求无弹性需求 inelastic demand
- 诛杀暴君者 tyrannicide
- 诛仙 zhu xian
- 诛仙箫 zhuxian xiao
- 诛灭九族 to slaughter the whole clan
- 诛求无已的韩语:【성어】 주구가 끝이 없다.
- 诛求无已的俄语:pinyin:zhūqiùwúyǐ без конца вымогать, непомерно требовать; опустошать постоянными поборами
- 诛求无已什么意思:zhū qiú wú yǐ 【解释】指勒索诈取没完没了。 【出处】《左传·襄公三十一年》:“经敝邑褊小,介于大国,诛求无时。” 【拼音码】zqwy 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、分句;含贬义 【英文】make endless exorbitant