

  • a first-grade translator [interpreter]



  • 例句与用法
  • Translation of materials requested or provided by clients
  • Cet formally hires translators interpreters only after they have been tested by senior translation reviewers and foreign experts
  • Huaying engineering translation office consists of associate professors of translation , senior translators of various professions , professors , researchers , doctors and masters totally there are 38 people
  • Cet is currently working with about 2 , 000 partners across the country , including state - level translation reviewers , foreign experts , returned chinese students , and foreign - language professionals with years of translation interpretation experience
  • Senior translation reviewers are responsible for the translation quality while the proofreading team proofread and edit target texts and specialized contents , a process that will eliminate spelling , typing and grammar errors and ensure appropriate and consistent wording
  • Located in qingdao , the beautiful coastal city and the partner city for 2008 olympics , qingdao om translation co . , ltd . is a professional and qualified translation and interpretation agency founded by the elite of all fields and circles with over 10 years of translation experiences
  • As a qualified professional chinese translation agency , qingdao om translation co . , ltd . is a famous translation company in china having good reputation in language translation service business translation service industry . with our unceasing efforts , we have made lots of achievements and have established long - term cooperation relationship with many companies of various countries and regions . presently , our clients have covered over twenty countries and regions of the world , and our cooperators and partners have spread all over the world
  • With the idea of " market for survival , quality for benefits , and management for progress " , we firmly believe that we are top - grade professional service provider in china ever since its foundation , the company has provided well - received services to hundreds of large - scale companies at home and abroad , many of them have long - term relationship with us . that is to say , any translating project must be completed by translators who have a concerned knowledge background
  • While the part - time translator can also ensure the specialty of translated versions , meanwhile , we invited several senior professional translation consultants to be in charge of consultation for correction . translation supervisors will do their jobs in exactitude in order to ensure the high performance and the correctness of final versions
  • The company has now numerous full - time and part - time translators and proofreaders coming from various trades and specialties , can provide translation services for more than 40 languages such as english , french , german , russian , italian , spanish , portuguese , japanese and korean , etc . , has solved the trouble back at home for the customers who have high requirements , enable ourselves to give the customers most favorable prices , complete language variety translation , shortcut delivery and provide the customers with perfect services
  • 其他语种释义
  • 译审的法语:maître-traducteur réviseur
  • 译审的日语:訳審.翻訳者?通訳者の最上位の職階名.▼大学の教授クラスに相当する.
  • 译审的韩语:[명사] 역심. [중화 인민 공화국에서의 번역자·통역자의 최상위 직급. 대학 교수에 해당함]
  • 译审什么意思:寻绎细察, 弄明白。 译, 通“ 绎 ”。    ▶ 明 唐顺之 《条陈海防经略事疏》: “译审来寇之端, 敕彼国王, 令其查治恶逆, 敛戢属夷, 使不敢再犯。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
译审的英文翻译,译审英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译译审,译审的英文意思,譯審的英文译审 meaning in English譯審的英文译审怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
