识字 learn to read; become literate◇识字班 literacy class; 识字教学 teaching of literacy; teaching and learning of characters; 识字教育 functional literacy; 识字课本 reading primer; elementary reader; 识字组 literacy group
He works during the day in a bakery and attends a reading class for slow learners at night 查理白天在面包店工作,晚上则到专为学习迟缓者开设的识字班上课。
Our hostel organizes various group activities to our residents , such as interest groups , learning classes , exercise groups and volunteer groups in order to maximize their potential to the fullest and to enable them to keep in touch with the society 小组活动每月为院友安排有益身心的活动,如兴趣小组、识字班、门球组、义工组等等。
Whether the goal is donating books , running literacy classes , supplying elementary school students with dictionaries , or just helping children with their schoolwork , literacy projects bring great results with very little investment of money 无论计画目标是捐书、开设识字班、提供字典给小学生、或只是帮助儿童写作业,识字计画都能以些微的投资达成卓越的成果。
Xinghua artistic training center : taught by professional teachers , they offer such classes as the piano , electrotone , the violin , drawing , calligraphy , pottery , dancing and figure - shaping , latin dance , martial art , speech making , literacy of complicated chinese characters and arithmetic classes using abacus and mental arithmetic 兴华艺术培训中心:由专业教师执教,开设钢琴、电子琴、小提琴、美术、书法、陶艺、舞蹈形体、拉丁舞、武术、小巧嘴、繁体字识字班及珠心算班。