七种危险的识别 identify seven kind of hazard in electrical products
联合国危险识别系统 united nations hazard identification system
危险 dangerous; perilous; risk; peril; danger 发出危险信号 send out a danger signal; 冒生命危险 at the risk of one's life; peril one's life; 脱离危险 out of danger; 在危险中 in danger of; in the time of peril; 走开, 否则发生危险自己负责! keep off at your peril! 有电, 危险 ! danger! electricity!; 危险地带 danger zone; 危险电压 dangerous voltage; 危险货物 dangerous goods; dangerous cargo; hazardous goods; 危险期 on the verge of death; critical days; 危险旗 powder-flag; 危险气体 hazardous gas; 危险区域 deathtrap; danger area; 危险人物 a dangerous person; a danger; 危险水位 [水文] flood stage; 危险系数 danger coefficient; 危险信号 danger signal; 危险性 danger; peril; 危险职业 dangerous occupation
识别 1.(辩别; 辩认) discriminate; distinguish; discern; tell the difference; spot 识别能力 capacity of discernment; 识别力 discernment; discerning ability; 识别真伪 distinguish truth from falsehood; 识别优劣 distinguish the good from the bad: 在人群中识别出一个人 distinguish a person in a crowd; 善于识别干部 know how to judge cadres; 按相貌识别某人 recognize sb. from a description; 虽然有雾, 船员们仍能相当清楚地识别出那是岸线。 in spite of the fog the crews can distinguish the coastline fairly well.2.[计算机] identification; recognition; 识别标记[志] identification marking; dog tag; identification mark
Failing to correctly identify risky areas 不能正确识别危险领域。
The unified identifiers of various batteries , for example , the hazardous waste and the reproducible battery should be declared by the batteries collecting according to their species 宣传用以识别危险废物(废含汞电池、废镍镉电池和废铅酸电池) 、可再生电池等各类电池的标识,保证各类废电池的分类收集能够顺利开展。