- evaluated maintenance programming
- 评价 appraise; evaluate; assess; ...
- 维修 keep in repair; service; mai ...
- 规划 programme; plan draw; mark; ...
- 评价维度 evaluative dimension
- 维修规程 maintenance instruction; service manual
- 操作维修规程 operating maintenance procedure
- 线路维修规则 rules of maintenance of way
- 仪表维修规程 instrument maintenance code
- 仪器维修规程 instrument maintenance code
- 规划评价 program evaluation
- 一至二户住宅的电气维修规范 electrical inspection code for existing dwellings
- 方案规划和评价处 programme planning and evaluation office
- 方案规划和评价组 programme planning and evaluation branch
- 可靠性规划评价 evaluation of reliability program
- 绩效规划与评价系统 performance planning and evaluation (ppe)
- 检修规程 maintenance rules(regulations)
- 检修规则 regulation of inspection and repair
- 维修 keep in (good) repair; service; maintain 维修良好 in good repair; 维修房屋 maintain houses and buildings; 维修汽车 service a car; 设备维修 maintenance of equipment; upkeep of equipment; 需要维修 need (putting into) repair; 电视机维修手册 a television servicing manual; 维修车间 maintenance shop; 维修成本 maintenance cost; 维修费 upkeep; maintenance cost; 维修工 maintenance worker; 维修手册 service manual
- 评价 appraise; evaluate; assess; estimate; valuation 评价过低 rate sth. unreasonably low; 评价历史人物 appraise historical figures; judge of historic characters; 高度评价 set a high value on; speak highly of; highly appraise; 感官评价 organoleptic evaluation; 课程评价 course evaluation; 捧场的评价 a flattering review; 综合评价 overall evaluation; 总评价 summated evaluation; 评价与考试中心 evaluation and examination centre; 对某人的能力评价过高 set too high a valuation on sb.'s abilities; 作客观的评价 make an objective appraisal; 他高度评价了这一成就。 he rated the achievement high. 公众对他的评价很高。 he stands high in public estimation. 不要根据衣着来评价人。 don't evaluate people by their clothes
- 规划方案制订及评价事务处 planning programming and evaluation service
- 安装检修规程 installation specification
- 机车检修规则 regulations of locomotive repairs
- 设备检修规程 plant maintenance specification
- 规划 1.(比较全面的长远的发展计划) planning; programming; project; schematization; programme; plan 长远规划 long-term programme; 城市建设规划 the city's construction plan; 订规划 draw up a plan; 作出全面规划 make a comprehensive programme; scavenging scheme2.(做规划; 筹划) plan; programme 把今后五年的科学研究工作规划一下 make a plan for scientific research for the coming five years
- 负责规划与评价的助理卫生与公众服务部长 assistant secretary of health and human service for planning and evalution