- 证实 authenticate; corroborate; a ...
- 一种 one kind; one type; one spec ...
- 理论 theory
- 形成一种理论 formulation of a theory
- 通过试验证实一理论 prove a theory by experiment
- 金融大恐慌的一种理论 a theory of the panic
- 证实一个报道 confirm a report
- 证实一个事实 testify a fact
- 另一种理解 make the door last
- 时间会证实一切 time will tell
- 肯定这种理论 confirmation of the theory
- 那种理论主张 that theory maintains that a density wave of spiral form sweeps through the central plane of a galaxy,compressing couds of gas and dust,which collapse into stars that form a spiral pattern
- 修正这种理论 modification of the theory
- 凯恩斯所提出的一种理论它强调自主开支 jm
- 属于哪一种理据 etymological motivation
- 一种理念上的实践 idealist practice
- 报刊的四种理论 four theories of the press
- 证实一个科学上的假设 verify a scientific hypothesis
- 实一 jitsuichi; saneichi
- 人是这样一种理性的动物 man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason. --- oscar wilde
- 他的这种理论是站不住脚的 he hasn't a leg to stand for this theory of his
- 证实 1.(证明其确实) authenticate; corroborate; affirm; demonstrate; confirm; verify 用文件来证实日期 authenticate a date; a documentory proof: 有待证实 remain to be confirmed; 证实一个报道 confirm a report; 证实一个科学上的假设 verify a scientific hypothesis; 证实无可置疑 [法律] proof beyond a reasonable doubt; 消息得到了证实。 the news has been confirmed2.[数学] verification; 证实者 prover
- 实一郎 jitsuichiro; saneichiro
- 交换说(一种赋税理论) exchange theory
- 提出一种新的理论 advance a new theory